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Services available to help students thrive.

There’s more to college, and to life, than just the time in class. Whether you’re looking for tutoring from the Academic Resource Center, need some help making ends meet, or want some advice to help kickstart your career, there’s a resource available to help.

Not sure where to start? Call the Student Engagement Desk at 913-469-3807 or look for it on the first floor of the Student Center.

Located on the first floor of Billington Library, the Academic Resource Center is your one-stop shop for free tutoring and assistance for your credit classes. 

It has a large study area, a librarian who will help you find where you need to go, and the Stacks Café serving coffee and snacks.

Services are in-person or online or via Zoom appointments. Each resource center has different options. Please visit the center of your choice for times and appointments.

Academic Resource Center

Academic Achievement Center

Language Resource Center

Math Resource Center

Science Resource Center

Writing Center

Access Services is available to assist you.  To arrange an appointment, email or call 913-469-3521. You may also contact us with any questions you have related to accessibility.

New students should complete a “New Student Application for Access Services” form and upload documentation online. An access advisor will contact you once your application has been received.

Returning students may log into their myAccess account anytime to request accommodations, adjust accommodations, view faculty notification letters, request interpreting, request an appointment and review the status of other accommodation requests.

How to connect with Access Services for the Deaf and hard of hearing (American Sign Language video)

For more information on the variety of support available through Access Services, please visit the Access Services web pages.

The Billington Library provides access to a variety of services and resources that support and strengthen the instructional programs of the college and the higher educational needs of the community.

Visit the Billington Library

Visit the Career Development Center to find answers to your most important questions: Discover: Who am I? Explore: Where am I going? Prepare: How do I get there?

Call to make an appointment: 913-469-3870 
Appointments are encouraged, but not required.


  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday — 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • Thursday — 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
  • Friday — 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

To schedule an appointment for career exploration, internships, résumé development, mock interviews or job search help, call 913-469-3870 or email

You can also visit the Career Development Center web pages to chat online or learn more about the Career Development Center, or check out our online list of job postings.

The CoLab, located in OCB 100, offers high-tech, flexible spaces and experiential learning opportunities for students, faculty, staff and the greater community. It is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

The CoLab promotes a culture of engagement, offering spaces you can reserve for collaboration. Need to use a computer while you’re on campus? The CoLab has laptops and other technology available for checkout.

Build your brand with free, studio-quality photos created in the CoLab’s Professional Portrait Booth. Learn more and book your session.

Find the technology, tools and spaces that fit your needs.

Use of computer labs is available to credit students.

Visit Computer Lab Locations and Hours

For all the ways you can connect with a counselor and learn the best option for you, please visit the Counseling web pages.

You can make a face-to-face or virtual appointment with a counselor by calling 913-469-3809; ask quick questions via our IM service; or send an email to We offer virtual walk-ins as well. 

Visit Academic Counseling under "Connect with a Counselor"

The English for Academic Purposes program at 赌钱app可以微信提现 is designed for non-native speakers who want to develop their English skills for academic preparation and study at the collegiate level. 

Visit English for Academic Purposes



The Academic Achievement Center is a resource center on campus. The AAC provides content-specific tutoring, general college study skills support, an academic orientation workshop, and so many other important resources for your journey through 赌钱app可以微信提现.

Academic Advisor

Academic Advisors are available to assist you with any questions you may have related to your academics. Academic Advisors can help you decide on a major, enroll in classes, and prepare for transfer and/or graduation. At 赌钱app可以微信提现, Counselors act as Academic Advisors (see Academic Advising and Counseling). 

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar provides important information, such as deadlines and semester-specific dates. Unlike a calendar year, 赌钱app可以微信提现's academic year begins in June and ends the following May. The Summer Session runs in June and July. The Fall Semester runs from August – December, and the Spring Semester runs from January – May.

Academic Probation

If your overall GPA falls below a 2.0, you will be placed on academic probation. You must bring your GPA up to or above a 2.0 in subsequent semesters to be returned to good academic standing.

Academic Suspension

If while on academic probation you earn below a 2.0 GPA for a semester, you will be placed on academic suspension. You will be suspended from enrolling for the upcoming major semester (Fall or Spring). When you return to 赌钱app可以微信提现, you will be placed on academic probation and must maintain a 2.0 GPA until you return to good academic standing.

Academic Suspension Appeal

If you are put on academic suspension due to poor academic performance, you can file for a suspension appeal. You can either make a Suspension Appeal or opt for the Success Opportunity Semester (SOS).

Access Services

The Access Services office assists students with documented disabilities needing accommodations while at 赌钱app可以微信提现. If you need assistance, Access advisors and the Deaf Services coordinator are available to help you in making learning accessible.


ACCUPLACER is the system used for placement tests at 赌钱app可以微信提现. You may be required to participate in the placement process prior to enrolling in classes (see Testing).


The Academic Resource Center, located on the first floor of Billington Library, is the location of the five resource centers on campus. The ARC houses the Academic Achievement Center (AAC), Language Resource Center (LRC), Math Resource Center (MRC), Science Resource Center (SRC) and Writing Center (WCTR) and provides tutoring support, study spaces, technology and other academic support offerings.

Associate Degree

An associate degree is a foundational degree that can help you achieve academic and professional goals in less time than it takes to earn a bachelor's degree.

赌钱app可以微信提现 offers five general associate degrees. We also offer more than 100 associate degrees in various areas of study:

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Bursar’s Office

The Bursar’s Office is where you can pay tuition and fees and get answers to financial questions related to paying for services at 赌钱app可以微信提现.

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Canvas is the online learning management system that 赌钱app可以微信提现 utilizes to support classwork. Professors use Canvas to post assignments, grades, class information and syllabi. You will use Canvas to submit work, participate in discussion boards, and take quizzes.

Career Development Center

The Career Development Center helps you discover yourself, explore careers and prepare for the job search process.


The catalog (or course catalog) is a list of all the credit-bearing courses and programs offered at the College. It lists degree/certificate programs, degree requirements and course descriptions. The catalog does not include a list of course dates and times, but instead is an overview that guides you in degree course selection.

CAV Central - COM Lower Level

A place where you can study, collaborate in groups or Zoom for a class.  Computers and a printer are available.  Assistants are available on weekdays and the space is available other times when the building is open.


The CoLab, or Collaboration Center, is located on the first floor of OCB and provides resources for students, faculty and the community to create collaborative, experiential learning opportunities. 

Continuing Education

This branch of the College (also known as CE) offers non-credit courses for individuals to enhance career development, deepen personal enrichment and increase skills in a variety of areas. 


Some courses that have corequisite designations require you to enroll in and take certain classes simultaneously. For example, CHEM 124: General Chemistry I Lecture is a corequisite with CHEM 125: General Chemistry I Lab. The courses must be taken together. 


Counselors are available to help you with personal issues that can affect academic progress. All 赌钱app可以微信提现 students are eligible and encouraged to make an appointment and meet with the Counselors on campus. Counselors also act as Academic Advisors (see Academic Advising and Counseling).

Course Load

This is the number of credit hours you are enrolled in each semester. Taking 12 credits equals full-time status; 6 credit hours equals part-time status.  


A unit that measures your progress toward graduation. Each degree, certificate and/or program requires completion of a certain number of credit hours to be eligible for graduation. Typically, one credit is equivalent to three hours of student work per week (including class time and study time).


The CRN is a five-digit reference number associated with individual courses. The CRN number is a way to identify a specific course. CRN numbers of each course you're enrolled in can be found on your My赌钱app可以微信提现 portal.

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Day One Access

If you have a required material for your course that is “Day One Access,” this means you will have access to it online through Canvas on or before the first day of class. Day One Access material usually comes at a reduced cost and replaces the need for a physical textbook.

Degree Check

Degree Check is an unofficial audit of your coursework to help you determine if you are on track for graduation. It matches your academic history against your degree or certificate requirements in the College catalog.

Drop a Course

You can drop a course within three drop periods in a semester. The three drop periods include “drop with 100% refund,” “Drop with no ‘W’, no refund” and “Drop with a ‘W’, no refund”. A “W” stands for “Withdraw” and it will not affect your GPA. 赌钱app可以微信提现 does not have partial refunds. You must pay attention to drop dates found in your My赌钱app可以微信提现 portal or the Academic Calendar. You should check with Financial Aid and a counselor before dropping a course.

Dynamic Forms

This system is frequently used on campus as a way for you to submit necessary information through secure forms. Dynamic Forms are most notably used as the system for applying to 赌钱app可以微信提现.

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Ed Tech Center

Also known as the Educational Technology Center, this is an office that assists students, faculty and staff with educational technology on campus, including Canvas and Yuja. The Ed Tech Center also has a MakerLab with 3D printers, a laser cutter, desktop CNC, and an electronics and soldering station available for reservation.


Electives are courses you take for credit. You usually have some freedom to select electives that are of interest to you. 

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The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is an application you fill out to determine your eligibility for federal financial aid. The FAFSA results may be required to be considered for certain need-based scholarships.

Federal Work-Study

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is part-time employment offered to students who have financial need so they can earn money to meet educational expenses. You can request FWS on the FAFSA and it is awarded per academic year on a first-come, first-served basis.


FERPA stands for the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. This is a federal law that protects the privacy of education records, establishes the right of students to inspect and review their educational records, and provides guidelines for correcting inaccurate information.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid is funding used to help pay for college expenses. There are many varieties of aid, such as grants, loans, scholarships and work-study. There are multiple sources, but often include the federal government, states and institutions such as 赌钱app可以微信提现. The Financial Aid Office is available to help you identify ways to pay for college.

Full-Time Student

Students with a course load of 12 or more credit hours per semester (Fall and Spring) or 6 credit hours in the summer are considered full-time. Total credit hours below these totals would mean a student is part-time.

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A GPA or Grade Point Average is a numerical representation of your overall academic performance. Each letter grade has a numerical value associated with it, and GPA is calculated by averaging all of your final course grades. Grades of “P” for “Passing,” “I” for “Incomplete” or “W” for “Withdraw” are not included in the calculation of a GPA (see Grades). 


Graduation, celebrated through the event of Commencement, is the culmination of hard work and dedication. You must meet specific requirements (such as earning the appropriate number of credit hours to obtain a degree) to graduate. You must also apply for graduation when you have met the necessary requirements.

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A hold is a temporary designation that may prevent you from enrolling, dropping, and/or withdrawing from courses. Holds are usually in relation to some action you must complete, such as paying an overdue balance or completing an advising requirement. 

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If, due to extenuating circumstances, you are unable to complete a course, you can request to take an Incomplete “I” grade in a class. You must have completed most of the coursework and have a passing grade at the time of the request. If you can complete the course within the new deadline, the “I” will be replaced with whatever letter grade you earn (see Grades).

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Late Start Courses

Not all courses begin at the start of a semester. Some courses will begin later in the semester. Check your course details at My赌钱app可以微信提现 for more information about the date on which your course begins.


The Language Resource Center is a resource center on campus. The LRC serves students taking any foreign language course or an American Sign Language (ASL) course on campus. 


Billington Library is a full-service college library, including a help desk, research assistance, and digital and print collections. 

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A major is a program that focuses on a specific discipline or content area. To work toward graduation, you need to declare a major or an area of study and complete course work within that program. You can declare a major or change your major at any time.  


The Math Resource Center is a resource center on campus. The MRC provides tutoring support services for any student taking a math course on campus.


This is the main landing page for your 赌钱app可以微信提现 information. Enrollment information, the finance portal, records, Stumail (your 赌钱app可以微信提现 email account), and other important resources can be found at My赌钱app可以微信提现.

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This option allows you to take one course per semester for either a passing or failing grade, rather than a letter grade. If you earn an A, B, C or D in a course, you will have passed the course and it will be recorded as a “P” on your transcript. If you earn an F in a course, you will have failed the course and it will be recorded as an “F” on your transcript (see Pass/Fail).



There may be certain requirements you must complete before enrolling in a certain course. Typically, prerequisites require that you must first have successfully completed a specific course before enrolling in another course. For example, ENGL 121: Composition I is a prerequisite for ENGL 122: Composition II. You must have successfully completed ENGL 121 prior to enrolling in ENGL 122.

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A semester is a way in which the academic year is partitioned. Typically, Fall and Spring semesters and Summer sessions are the three main times in which courses are offered on campus. Fall and Spring last 15 weeks, with one week of finals at the end. Summer runs 8 weeks, and finals take place within that 8-week period.  There is also a Winter Session that takes place between the Fall and Spring semesters.


The Science Resource Center is a resource center on campus. The SRC provides tutoring support services for any student taking a science course on campus. The SRC also has a lab space and biological models for students.

Stop Day

Stop Day occurs at the end of the Fall and Spring Semesters. This is the day before finals begin. There are no classes held on Stop Day, but all College offices and campus are open.

Student Activities 

赌钱app可以微信提现 offers many opportunities for you to get involved on campus. Student Activities coordinates a wide variety of programs to engage students in campus life. Included in Student Activities are the Center for Student Involvement (CSI), leadership programs and the Student Lounge (see Student Activities and Organizations).

Student Basic Needs Center

The Student Basic Needs Center provides information and resources to combat the hardships which adversely affect the ability of 赌钱app可以微信提现 students to complete their academic, professional and personal development objectives. 

Student Development Specialist

Student Development Specialists will help you with enrollment. With their assistance, enrolling in classes, and understanding procedures, resources, policies and technology is easy. 

Student ID Number

An eight-digit student identification number will be permanently assigned to you for all of your 赌钱app可以微信提现 records. This number, found on your Student ID card, will be necessary for you to access certain resources and records on campus.

Student Senate

The Student Senate at 赌钱app可以微信提现 provides government representation for the student body and allocates funds to student organizations. This group also provides support and guidance to student organizations.


Your assigned Stumail account is your 赌钱app可以微信提现 student email. Stumail runs through Gmail.

Success Coach

Success Coaches will support you from New Student Orientation through your first academic year, serving as a central point of contact and helping you navigate the complexities of the college environment.   

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Technical Support Center (TSC)

The Technical Support Center provides centralized technical support and access to IT related technology services for students and employees.

Testing Services

Testing Services offers both placement tests as well as testing for self-paced course exams and faculty-approved make-up exams.


Transcripts serve as the official record of a student’s coursework at an institution, including grade history and degrees. You can access your unofficial transcripts through My赌钱app可以微信提现. To obtain official transcripts (often needed for transferring, job applications, scholarships, etc.), you must request a certified copy.


If you want to move on to a different college or university, you will need to successfully transfer your credits (grades) to the other school. In order for a college or university to receive those transferred grades “officially,” you must have a transcript sent directly from 赌钱app可以微信提现.

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Each course has a limited number of students that can be enrolled in a section. If you are not allowed to enroll due to the class being full, you may add your name to a waitlist. Once another student drops from this “full class,” the first student on the waitlist will be notified via Stumail and given 24 hours to enroll in the class. If the student does not enroll, then the next student on the waitlist will be emailed until the class section is full again. Once the class has started for the semester, the class section is then closed because 赌钱app可以微信提现 has no late enrollment.   


To withdraw from a course is to drop a course from your schedule during the semester. 赌钱app可以微信提现 has three drop periods: “drop with 100% refund,” “Drop with no ‘W’, no refund” and “Drop with a ‘W’, no refund.” A “W” stands for “Withdraw” and it will not affect your GPA. 赌钱app可以微信提现 does not have partial refunds. You must pay attention to drop dates found in your My赌钱app可以微信提现 or the Academic Calendar. You should check with Financial Aid and a Counselor before dropping a course.  

Writing Center (WCTR)

The Writing Center is a resource center on campus. The Writing Center provides tutoring support services for students at any stage of the writing process and in any subject area.

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The Student Basic Needs Center is open in GEB 153 Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

The mission of the Student Basic Needs Center is to provide information and resources to combat the hardships which adversely affect the ability of 赌钱app可以微信提现 students to complete their academic, professional, and personal development objectives.

We are here to empower you, so you can focus on being healthy, successful and less stressed. The center is a safe, friendly place to meet your basic needs. Your mental and physical well-being is paramount.

If you are experiencing food or housing insecurity, or other hardships, stop by COM 023 and visit with our helpful staff. If you know someone who needs a helping hand, tell them about our services or come with them for support.

For immediate food needs, use the Harvesters Food Assistance Locator. If you need housing, transportation, and other basic needs services, you may email

The Student Engagement Desk is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday for 赌钱app可以微信提现 student ID card processing, bus pass sales, U-Pass information, assistance with wayfinding, and general information.

Call 913-469-3807 with questions. Visit the Student ID Card web page for 赌钱app可以微信提现 student ID card requirements.

赌钱app可以微信提现's Technical Support team is ready to help you with any technical issues you may have while attending 赌钱app可以微信提现 online.

Visit Technical Support web page

Need help resetting or recovering your 赌钱app可以微信提现 account password? 

Username & Password Help

Veteran Services is available via email at or by phone at 913-469-8500, ext. 4981

Information on how to schedule a Zoom appointment, turn in GI Bill certification documents and more can be found at